Dept. of Revenue & Custom

Public Notifications issued by Department of Revenue & Custom

Notification on GST on import of services from India (30-Oct-2017)

This is to notify all that Goods and Services Tax (GST) on imports of following services from India to Bhutan are now exempted as per the notification issued by the Central Board of Customs & Excise, Government of India.

(1) GST on import of services from India to Bhutan where payments are made in Indian Rupees are exempted vide notification no. 42/2017-Integrated Tax (Rate) dated 27th October 2017. Kindly refer to for detail information.

(2) GST on supply of services associated with transit cargo via Indian territories to Bhutan are exempted vide notification no. 30/2017-Central Tax (Rate) dated 29th September 2017. Kindly refer to for detail information.

For any other information related to Indian GST, please visit

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Public Notification on Fiscal Incentives Act of Bhutan 2017 (29-Aug-2017)

Public Notification

Pursuant to the enactment of the Fiscal Incentives Act of Bhutan 2017, the Department of Revenue and Customs would like to notify to the general public that the Rules on Fiscal Incentives Act of Bhutan, 2017 is issued to this effect. These Rules shall come into force in accordance with Section 1 and Section 2 of the Fiscal Incentives Act of Bhutan, 2017.

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Extension PIT Filing due date (18-Feb-2016)

This is to notify all the concerned taxpayers that the Personal Income Tax (PIT) filing due date for
Income Year 2015 has been extended till 15th March 2016.

Those taxpayers who are not able to file their PIT return electronically due to poor system
performance are requested to file manually. All the RRCOs will accept the manual submission of
PIT returns. Taxpayers residing away from the RRCOs can also file their PIT using the postal
services. However, returns must be sent through post before the extended due date to avoid

Further, all the PIT filers are requested to check their filing status. Tax returns with status shown as “draft” or “payment awaited” are requested to either file the return or make the payment within the
due date. If the returns are filed properly, the status will be shown as “filing complete”. No
separate acknowledgement will be sent to the filers.

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