Dept. of Revenue & Custom
Public Notifications issued by Department of Revenue & Custom
PIT return for Income Year 2014 Extended (27-Feb-2015)
TDS remittance through RAMIS (07-Jan-2015)
Press Release on launch of RAMIS (01-Jan-2015)
PIT/BIT/CIT online filing through RAMIS (01-Jan-2015)
Availing exemption from concerned regional offices (01-Jan-2015)
Tentative dates for collection of BIT for income year 2014 (29-Dec-2014)
Levy of 5% Sale Tax on Telecom Services (26-Sept-2014)
Decentralization of issuance of exemption (14-July-2014)
Decentralization of issuance of exemption (14-July-2014)
1,165 total views
Liquor shop license (26-June-2014)
Liquor shop license (26-June-2014)
1,232 total views