
Vacancy and Career opportunities

Shortlisted candidate for viva announced by REDCL (30-Sept-2016)

This is to inform that the REDCL has completed shortlisting of candidates for the Viva for various positions based on the following criteria:
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The details for the viva are as follows:
Venue: BDBL CSIFD Board Room (4th Floor), Below MoIC Building, Chubachu, Thimphu

ICT Officer: 3rd October 2016
Fund Counselor: 3rd October 2016
Project Analyst: 4th October 2016
Receptionist: 4th October 2016

The shortlisted candidates are hereby requested to report along with original academic transcripts and certificates on the interview date. The candidates are further requested to report 10 minutes earlier to the scheduled interview time.

For any inquiries, kindly contact REDCL office at 02-339240/02-339241 during the office hours.

The lists of the shortlisted candidates and interview time are attached herewith.


Shortlisted of candidates for the Viva:
1. ICT Officer download
2. Fund Counselor download
3. Project Analyst download
4. Receptionist download

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Shortlisted candidate for various post announced by REDCL (21-Sept-2016)

This is to informed the written test for the shortlisted candidate who has applied for various post announced by REDCL on 13th July 2016 is scheduled as below:

Date: 25th September 2016
Venue: Kelki School, Thimphu
Exam Duration: 1 Hour

Fund Counselor
Reporting time: 9:00 AM
Written examination start time: 9:30 AM
Examination Completion time: 10:30 AM

Project Analyst
Reporting time: 10:30 AM
Written examination start time: 10:45 AM
Examination Completion time: 11:45 AM

ICT officer and Reception
Reporting time: 12:45 AM
Written examination start time: 1:00 PM
Examination Completion time: 2:00 PM

For any inquiries, kindly contact REDCL office at 02-339240/02-339241 during the office hours.

List Shortlisted candidates:

1. Shortlisted Candidates for Project Analyst
2. Shortlisted candidates for ICT
3. Shortlisted candidates for Receptionist
4. Shortlisted candidates for Fund Counselor


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