
Notifications to Budgetary Agencies

Press Release (21-May-2024)

Signing of Grant Agreements for the Project for Reconstruction of Bridges on Primary National Highway No.1 in Mongar District and Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship


May 20, 2024: The Department of Macro-fiscal & Development Finance (DMDF), Ministry of Finance and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Bhutan Office signed a Grant Agreement (G/A) for “the Project for Reconstruction of Bridges on Primary National Highway No.1 in Mongar District”. The project is for the reconstruction of Namling and Durdari Bridges in Mongar Dzongkhag with a grant amount of one billion six hundred and thirty-four million Japanese Yen (JPY1,634,000,000).

The objective of the project is to help improve logistics, social services such as medical care through replacement of the bridges along the National Highway No.1 in Mongar District, thereby contributing to sustainable socio-economic development in the area. Prior to this, 26 bridges were built though the Grant Aid Scheme covering the National Highways across Bhutan.

In addition, the Grant Agreement for the “Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship” was also signed together. The Grant will provide academic opportunities for young Government officials and others obtaining masters or doctors degree in higher educational institutions in Japan. Under the Japan Human Resource Development Scholarship, a total amount of two hundred and four million Japanese Yen (JPY 204,000,000) will be supported extending from April 1, 2024 till December 31, 2031

The G/As was signed between Mr. Tshering Dorji, Director of the DMDF and Mr. Tomoyuki Yamada, Chief Representative of the JICA Bhutan Office. The signing of G/As have been preceded by the Exchange of the Note (E/N) between the Royal Bhutanese Embassy and the Embassy of Japan, New Delhi, on the same day.

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