Treasury Bills Auction Calendar for FY 2019-20 (2-July-2019)

Auction of the Treasury Bills during the FY 2019-20 shall be held monthly on first Tuesday following the first Monday of the month. If the scheduled auction date falls on the Government holiday, it will be held on the following Tuesday. The auction of Treasury Bills as notified shall be effective from August 2019 until June 2020.

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Shortlisted Applicants (21-June-2019)

Shortlisted Applicants for the post of Advisor, World Bank:

Sl# Name EID PT PL Agency
1 Karma Dorji 2101175 CFO P1 A JDWNRH
2 Deki Wangmo 2001010 CBO P1 A DNB, MoF
3 Budhiman Rai 2001009 CAO P1 A DPA, MoF
4 Lhaden Lotay 2001008 CPO P1 A DMEA, MoF
5 Munesh Sharma 2101185 CFO P1 A MoE
6 Norbu Dendup 9711007 CPO P1 A DMEA, MoF
7 Ugyen Norbu 9711003 Collector P1 A DRC, MoF

The interview is scheduled on 24 June 2019 at 2:00 PM at Conference Hall, Ministry of Finance, Tashichho Dzong. The applicants must produce all the relevant documents in original during the time of interview.

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